Awakening has political implications.
We have more laws and regulations than ever and we are poorer than ever as a nation. Over two thousand years ago that great sage Lao Tzu understood this completely
“The more laws and restrictions there are, The poorer people become. The more rules and regulations, The more thieves and robbers.”
There’s nothing new here. The enlightened mind does not seek to control others, knowing that things work best when things are left to develop naturally.
The Tao does nothing, yet nothing is left undone.
Things just work themselves out.
But the left-brain doesn’t see things as they are and out of anxiety seeks to control everyone and everything around it, to ensure its own selfish ends are achieved
Those of you who know me know that I object to the plutocratic blob, the monolithic monoparty that poses as a duopoly. Both US political parties serve our overlords, and both parties seek to control people in different ways, each taking a different view about which liberties, economic or social, we are worthy of having.
When it comes to the most important issue, war, both parties are filled with war mongers.
But only one party is favored by our overlords, and that is the party I’m going to address today, and the one I will continue to address until out of they are out of power.
Hint: It’s the one with the Presidential candidate getting 90% positive coverage from the mainstream media.
We should be very wary of what the ruling class wants for society.
Who do you think owns the mainstream media?
What do you think they want? The best for you?
They want you to own nothing and be happy. They’ve said as much.
The left brain sees the world as so many different components in a giant mechanism. In order to keep the mechanism running smoothly, it’s component parts must fit into the mechanism properly and perform their roles properly.
If a cog gets out of line it must be discarded, repaired, or replaced.
The left brain does not see human beings as unique and special, to be valued and cherished for their individuality. If people don’t get with the program, they need to be eliminated, deprogrammed, or sent to re-education camps.
And no, I’m not talking about some dystopian science fiction story, nor Stalinist Soviet Union nor Maoist China, I’m talking about modern America, AOC, Hilary Clinton, and dozens of other politicians and mainstream media figures on the Left.
The last few years we have seen a rapid and unprecedented explosion of totalitarian moves in the West. After Trump’s election and Brexit, it became clear to our overlords that the internet had gotten out of control, and indeed the minds of the masses were slipping out from their control.
Internet censorship reached unprecedented levels during the pandemic, where time after time true stories were labeled as conspiracy theories, and then of course eventually they turned out to be true. Suppression of true information, labeled as disinformation, and digital manipulation on a massive scale was employed by our Silicon Valley betters to sway the result of the 2020 election.
Time Magazine went ahead and told us exactly how Silicon Valley “saved” the election for us: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
But the right brain sees things differently, instead of seeing everything as separate, instead of seeing the world as a mechanism which must be calibrated and controlled, the right brain sees the world as an organic organism, one that knows how to regulate itself.
To the left-brain order must be imposed top down, whereas to the right brain order is something that arises naturally, from the bottom up.
Think about the order in a natural habitat, like a forest. There’s no CEO needed, no general has to give orders for the plants and mushrooms to grow, for the crickets and frogs to sing.
Contrast this with a cathedral, which needs an architect to decide how it is to be built, a king or a queen to tax their subjects to raise the funds, and a foreman to tell the masons how to lay the stones. Top-Down.
This works in politics too. Socialism is a Top-Down system where some egghead in the Farm Bureau decides what gets planted, how it gets planted, and where it gets planted on a farm located hundreds or thousands of miles away.
Later that year billions of people starve to death.
Just look what happened in Sri Lanka recently, when the “Green” revolution enacted fertilizer and fuel bans which led to a near total collapse of the country.
But there’s an even worse Top-Down directive that is the same to Republicans and Democrats, Socialists and Capitalists.
The reason that the media, and the internet megacorporations hate Trump so much is two-fold. The vast majority of people judge a political candidate based on his likeability. Trump is a megalomaniac and a generally repugnant asshole, and the media plays that up as much as they can, although he doesn’t need much assistance.
But the real reason our overlords hate Trump because he didn’t do what he was told to do by the military-industrial complex.
Our world is run by bankers, war profiteers who gorge themselves on warbucks, and Trump is considered a wild-card, unlikely to deliver the parasitic profits that they need to feed on.
Claim: Trump will start World War III
Fact: Trump was the first President since Jimmy Carter not to start any new wars.
Fact: We are closer to World War III than at any other time in world history under President Biden.
Remember? It’s all projection.
They say Trump is a wannabe dictator.
The next Hitler.
But Hilary Clinton is the one who wants to send people to “adult” reeducation camps.
It’s all projection.
All you have to do to understand someone is listen to what they say about other people.
The Republicans want to make America Great Again.
The Democrats want to move Forward Together.
Someday we will reach a synthesis, combining the economic liberties that the right favors, with the social liberties that the left favors, so that we can have Liberty as a whole. Until then it’s the tyranny du jour.
We will eventually learn not to cling to the past, nor push for the future, but let things be as they are.
“Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.
The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.”-Lao Tzu